NRIC was incorporated in 1976 to promote the ethic that environmental quality and long-term economic productivity are synonymous.
NRIC is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a nonprofit, tax-exempt, scientific, educational organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
NRIC is not a membership organization. It is totally independent. It does not seek general support funding. It operates strictly on a project-by-project basis. NRIC has no salaried staff. All projects are staffed exclusively by senior consulting experts. Between projects NRIC enters sleep mode.
APPROACH NRIC works on a very limited number of natural resource issues selected for their unique intrinsic value and broad public policy leverage.
NRIC focuses on long-term economic and environmental implications of extant or needed public policies.
NRIC makes long-term project commitments and develops specialized expertise necessary to be an effective player.
NRIC does not merely analyze and comment. It aggressively presses for needed changes in natural resource policy, management and investment strategies.
INITIATIVES NRIC pursues initiatives in five broad categories.
- Providing the general public and decision makers with independent, non-partisan perspective on the economic, social/cultural, and environmental implications of public policies, management initiatives, and investment strategies; Rx for classic failure of the market.
- Intervening in natural resource decision making with high stakes and/or significant public policy leverage.
- Assisting private land owners improve/conserve fish and wildlife habitats with significant public value.
- Assisting Native American Indian tribes seeking fulfillment of treaty-reserved rights and of the federal government's trust duty.
- Filing very selective, precedent-setting, project-related lawsuits in the federal courts that challenge egregious failures of governance and the rule of law.